Tarifa dag 3
Idag blåste det upp mot 24 m/s i byarna så Boyans förslag att vi sätter oss i en Epic SS2 och kör tillsammans verkade vettigt, galen blåst som gjorde det till en utmaning att bara bära ner surfskin till stranden. Nu var det riktigt kul att paddla, vi fick till några riktigt fina surfar och jag hade väldigt roligt i vågorna.
Day 3

Today it was really windy with winds up to 25 m/s so when Boyan asked if we should take a double ski and start from the beach in Tarifa to travel up to a beach just north of Tarifa. Before we left, Boyan gave a longer briefing on paddling technique, which I really need. Down to the beach where the wind whipped up the sand and made it a challenge to just carry the surfski down to the water, I have never paddled in weather like this but as I feel very safe with the Boyan I just looked forward to the departure with tense anticipation. That paddling was the coolest thing I’ve done with waves pushing in and we got in some really long and nice surfs, it was a great day and I was really pleased when I got back to the hotel.